Airlines started hiring more staffs.


Finally Airlines are hiring new staffs after continous  dismissing of staffs for the past one year.

        These are the words which went on repeating at most of the airlines in the nation. It is the greatest scenes which indicates airlines are returning to normal state.

         American airlines, United airlines, Delta airlines - The three largest US Airlines companies said that they are currently hiring new workers or else they will start within the end of this year.

        Sara Nelson, president of the Association of Flight Attendants said "I think the current carriers are eager to get as many flights back in the air as possible,". The Labor group said they expects the number of flight attendants on the job to rise from 80,000 today to 100,000 within two years.

       Nelson said "At the beginning of 2020, all [of the airlines] said they'd be hiring thousands,". Philip Baggaley, chief credit analyst for airlines at Standard & Poor's said "I would say it's somewhat surprising that they're talking about it now, but it's certainly an indication of the confidence there will be a substantial recovery by the year's end,". The Hiring processes will start sooner than many expected.

Note: News source from Newyork CNN Business

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