European Union accredit Covid Certificate for the citizens


European Union accredit Covid certificate for the European Union Citizens.

European Union law makers on June 9,2021 has given an uphold push for the travel certificate for the European citizens to move between European countries without the need of quarantine or any another extra analysis for the Covid-19. As Europe is considered as the one of the leading tourist destinations, Digital Covid certificate paves as through fare this time for summer. 

The Certificate will be issued for free from July 10 and for next 12 months as all the European countries will perceive the Certificate. According to the European union certificate rule the trave person should be fully vccinated against the virus. They have to be recently tested negative against the virus or they have to e recovered from the disease.

 But for the travellers outside the European union, still it is a big question which is not yet confirmed. But as far now when a traveller has to enter the European Union, then they should be vaccinated and later certificate will be provided if they are able to sway the authorities in European Country.

Note: News source taken from Travel Pulse news

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